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Grievance Policy

BYHA Grievance Procedure

BYHA is committed to assuring equitable treatment for all and to guaranteeing the protection of volunteers from harassment and abuse. The Association recognizes that in the course of its activities, diverging opinions and difficulties can emerge and consequently, complaints may arise about a member, team official, a policy or a practice of the association or one of its teams.

It is our goal to have issues resolved at the lowest level possible and keep the lines of communication open.

The reporting of unacceptable behavior by a director, spectator, coach, player or official is the triggering event of the complaint handling procedure. The reporting process will govern the person(s) responsible for investigating the complaint. The methods of enforcement will vary dependent on the severity of the event. If an incident occurs which meets the definition of unacceptable behavior and in the opinion of a player, spectator, coach, official or administrator, is serious enough to warrant a formal complaint, then a Grievance Form must be completed. This form is part of the policy.

It is the intent of the BYHA Board to provide an opportunity for parents and players to express their concerns and receive a timely and appropriate response. In order to ensure a respectful and professional experience, the board insists that players, parents, coaches and board members follow the Grievance procedures as presented.  NO GRIEVANCES WILL BE ADDRESSED AT THE MONTHLY BOARD MEETINGS.  Board members will give reports, updates and answer questions to the best of their ability at the monthly membership meetings.  However, if an issue brought up at a membership meeting is determined, at the judgment of the Board members, to be a grievance, the BYHA Board will direct the appropriate party(ies) to fill out the Grievance Form and follow the established procedures as laid out below;

1. Cooling off period: There are to be no spontaneous grievance related conversations immediately following a game or practice. Players and parents agree to wait at least 24 hours after a game or practice prior to initiating a conversation with a coach, team representative or board member. Coaches, team reps and board members agree to not participate in any conversations where the grievance procedure has not been followed.

2. Grievance form: Prior to any conversations being held between a parent and a coach, a grievance form must be completed by the parent and emailed to the BYHA President, Level Team Representative and the Hockey Director. The BYHA Team Representative will be responsible for delivering the form to the coach. This will allow the coach the opportunity to be prepared to discuss the issue. Email addresses are listed on the grievance form.

3. Parent/Coach Meeting: The coach will contact the parent and arrange a time to meet with the parent and player (if appropriate) in order to resolve the issue. Both parent and coach agree to conduct themselves professionally and respectfully at all times.

4. Level Team Representative Involvement: In the event the issue is not resolved to the satisfaction of the parent, coach or both, a meeting will be scheduled with the BYHA Team Representative and Hockey Director, the parent(s) and coach in order to resolve the issue.

5. Board Officers: In the event the issue is not resolved or the grievance is specific to procedures or actions directed by the BYHA Board of Directors, the parent may request a meeting with the BYHA Board Officers. 


All decisions made by the BYHA Board in the grievance procedures process as laid out above are final. 

Final copies of all Grievance Forms will be filed with BYHA.

In the interest of protecting the family oriented environment of the Burnett Youth Hockey Association, it is imperative that this policy be followed by all. Failure to follow this policy may incur punitive action by the BYHA Board.